Monday, July 28, 2008

A 'Faerie' by any other name would be addressed as 'Fay'

SMYRC youth Darwin teaches us the right pronoun to address 'Faeries'
Talking with youth at SMYRC about their identity is always enlightening. The evolution of the the LGBT (et al) movement as seen through the eyes of youth is never stagnant. In this episode you will get to know Darwin's story. Also how Darwin's family faces homelessness and how parents coming out to youth can be a bit complex. Enjoy!

Male identified Trans-Person in a Lesbian Relationship...(Saaaay Whaaaaaat?)

Connor often reminds me of a modern day 'Lea DeLaria' but with a twist. You see Connor identifies as a Male Trans-Person in a Lesbian relationship. (OY!) In this episode of the SMYRC Revolution Podcast we talk about volunteers finding their place in SMYRC, being open to love, and becoming a suicide survivor. Words do not give justice to what Connor has to say, so go to the podcast and hold on to your seats people, it's going to be a fun ride!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

AmeriCorps Staff Raina and Kelly leave SMYRC in Style

For those of you who know Raina and Kelly you will be sad to know that their 1 yr term with SMYRC is about to end. The youth gave a terrific performance last Friday at open-mic in the center. From the volunteer perspective we will miss Kelly and her tremendous coordination efforts. Raina will always be remembered for her inovative efforts with Bridge-13 and for organizing the memorial for Lawrence King, the gay youth shot to death by a heterosexual classmate earlier this year.

You can listen to Kelly's interview in the SMYRC Revolution podcast:

We are hoping that Raina will let us interview her this coming week, so stay tuned.

Both Raina and Kelly are looking forward to a well earned vacation and planning for the next stage of their lives. Whatever it is that is in store for them professionally we know that they will give their heart, spirit, and love to their work.

Best of lucks Raina and Kelly!


Monday, July 21, 2008

Look in the mirror baby and tell yourself 'I love you'

SMYRC Youth Cree talks about being a queer Louisiana farm boy, and HIV/AIDS activism.

Never underestimate the depth that youth have when they talk to you. Cree shares with us his life story, issues with being bi-racial, and answers the question, "are people with AIDS stupid?"

Tune in to the latest episode of the SMYRC Revolution Podcast and find out for yourself how young people are dealing with HIV AIDS today. There is still work to be done!

Volunteer appreciation Podcast.

Update of the SMYRC Revolution Podcast

SMYRC Revolution Host Enrique Andrade gives a message to Adult volunteers.Volunteering at SMYRC can be both intimidating, and empowering.

The story of the Starfish by Loren Eiseley can put it all in perspective for you. Thank you for volunteering, you rock!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Podcasts of SMYRC Youth

Over the last few months the youth have allowed me to record some of our conversations for the creation of a podcast. I am continually impressed at how the youth exhibit fascinating levels of depth and wisdom about life and the world. I am also amazed at how fabulously silly they are in their appropriate inappropriateness.

Listen to the podcasts from from of SMYRC related links, or cut and paste the gabcast link below:

I want to thank the youth from SMYRC for taking the time to be interviewed, and for their courageous fierceness as they tell their stories.

The original plan was to do 10 interviews, but I now see that there are tons of other stories that need to be recorded from other youth.

Stay tuned for more exciting, fabulous, and moving episodes!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

A message to today's Gays.

As a volunteer of SMYRC (Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center) it was never my intention to be so profoundly changed, nor grow from the lessons the youth teach me. Yet it is through the simple act of listening that I am regaining hope in the future.

We are so clueless as LGBT adults about the needs of our youth. One youth eloquently stated our current dilemma as a community, "queer 14 year olds don't know where to go, and queer 30 year olds don't know what to do."

A generation of queer adults was wiped out of the face of the earth by equal parts disease and indifference. For better or worse we, the 30 year old queers, need to figure out what to do in order to survive, thrive, and lead.

It is so easy to not pay attention to queer youth and their problems while we worry about our own existential dramas. Yet, if we don't grow up, shape up, and step up to the challenge of being the caring adults for queer youth then how will we develop as a community?

It is time to break away from the negative stereo types and pay attention to both the youth and the elders of our community. They need us, and we need them.

Over the next few weeks, we will continue to have interesting conversations with queer youth to discover more pearls of wisdom.

I invite both youth and adults to engage each other in conversations that honor and respect our experiences.

The youth are truly creating a revolution, THE SMYRC REVOLUTION!